Words matter. They are the symbols we use to try and communicate to each other how we think and feel about the world around us. When we use the wrong word or assume the other person defines the word as meaning what we think it means when they don’t, then there is no communication happening. Now consider words we use when thinking about this world and communicating only to ourselves. Words we think we understand but actually only understand incompletely or sometimes not at all. For example, let’s consider the word hope.

 I hope that by reading this, you will come to understand what I am saying. As a thought, I am telling myself that it matters to me whether or not this comprehension actually occurs. In other words, I want it to be different than it is. Comprehension will make me happy and non comprehension will make me sad. And I don’t want to be sad. Hoping that something will be this way or that way is just a manifestation of my belief in the non perfection of things. Because if it is all perfect all the time everywhere, then hope is not a word you would ever use. From this perspective, there is no wanting it to be different than it is. There is just trying to see how everything is connected to everything else. Hope has no place in this reality.

 The words we use are connected to and a manifestation of whatever level of awareness exists when we utter them. We pay attention to them when we desire to understand these levels because they are clues we can use to begin to unravel these mysteries. And if we have access to words uttered by those at levels we wish to attain, then bringing these words into our consciousness can be transformative. They can be a way for us to begin to understand that level and how our own level differs from that level. We can begin the journey from where we are to where we long to be.