Words Matter

 Words matter. They are the symbols we use to try and communicate to each other how we think and feel about the world around us. When we use the wrong word or assume the other person defines the word as meaning what we think it means when they don’t, then there...


 Perfection is the nature of the universe. Everything everywhere at all times is absolutely perfect. Global warming, overpopulation, pandemics, genocide, nations being taken over by religious zealots who want to take us back to the dark ages are all part of this...

A Moment of Perfect Vision

   The following excerpt is from a book entitled Wild by Nature by Sara Marquis. It is the story of her travels from Siberia to Australia alone in the wilderness and on foot. In the excerpt quoted here, she describes her encounter with a moment of perfect vision while...


~ The bad news is : who you think you are is mortal and one day the journey will end. ~ The good news is : who you really are is immortal and every time a child comes into this world, you are born again. ~ The bad news is : every child comes into a world that, as a...

Shit Disturbing

 Waking up on the farm   A cow poops on the grass and the next day the chickens come and tear it apart looking for larva and, in the process scatter the pieces all over the ground thereby creating fertilizer for the grass that will regenerate itself. And what happens...


  This is a story of a woman who was sexually abused as a child and had to deal with the damage this inflicted on her until later on in life when she was fortunate enough to take part in a healing ritual involving ayahuasca. It is well written and the kind of story...