The Prophet


” Am I a harp that the hand of the almighty may touch me, or a flute that his breath may pass through me?”

  A teacher will dispense knowledge he has gained through his thinking mind. A prophet will share who he has become through the journey he has traversed. Whatever we project into the world is a manifestation of the level of awareness we are at in that moment and is an opportunity for others to touch that level if they are able. The prophet is at a level where he knows he is not the source of what is projected but rather a vessel through which it is flowing. He is, like those around him, simply an observer of what shows up at that moment.

  This book is a very poetic read which is appropriate since it is about creating images in your mind of other ways to perceive what you thought you knew to be true. It is not an easy read because it is not about the words but rather the picture they are trying to create. And sometimes we need to hang out with the words long enough for this to happen. The audible recording is a great listen but this book is best absorbed by reading it a little at a time so the ideas can soak into our consciousness allowing the image to coalesce and become known to us.