The Gospel According to Thomas


    Coptic text established and translated by A.         Guillaumont, Puech, Quispel, Till,and Masih

  If you are really interested in who a historical figure was, then you need to find a record of what was said and done by this figure and this record needs to be as unbiased and as close to the actual time they lived as is possible. This Gospel was found in a tomb in Egypt in 1945 and was produced in Greek about 140 A.D. It predates the Church and is labeled heretical by this Church because it contains sayings attributed to Jesus that not only are not to be found in the Bible but actually paint a picture of a man very different from the man the Church created out of it’s need to build an institution to control peoples behavior. There is no dogma to be found here, only stories and sayings meant to guide us in our awakening from the illusion of separateness into which we are born.


Where words can take us …


” Whoever finds the explanation of these words will not taste death”

  “Not taste death”. How is this possible? This body will surely fail one day and death will overtake us. And it will, at that moment in time, if we are still identified with the body. If we are this body, then when the body dies , we die. The implication here is that something happens to us when we find  the explanation of these words that will cause us not to experience death. The foolish among us will think that this has something to do with our moving on to a heavenly realm by virtue of our belief in what we or others think the words mean. But it is not about belief, it is about knowing. And what we come to know at the end of this journey that is our seeking the explanation of these words, is who we really are. When we experience the truth we are led to by these words, the illusion falls away and we become this truth. And who we become cannot know death because who we really are was never born and can never die. We cannot speak of it because it is beyond words. But the real miracle is that, for those of us willing and able to embark on this journey and see it through to the end, it can be known.