Roads Gone Down

 Karma, cause and effect, roads gone down, it’s all the same thing. Out of our desire for it to be different than it is, we choose to do this thing or that thing and thereby set into motion energies that bring us to this new place or keep us in an old place that is familiar and stale but keeps at bay the demons that we are not ready to face.

 So, if we create our own realities by way of the energies we set in motion through the choices we make, then the question arises — how do we come to know the connection between these choices and the places they take us? Because this knowledge is the key to our living lives that take us to places where we have business, places where our journey towards the highest experiences we are capable of can move forward and evolve.

 The answer is simple and obvious. We pay attention. We pay attention to choice and the energies that choice sets in motion and we pay attention to the places we are taken. And if we are taken to places where we have no business, then we know what has brought us here. We see the cause and affect and thereby come to know how karma works. We have come to know a wrong choice and are free to search for a right one. And because we know what the road looks like at the very beginning, it becomes a road we never again have to go down.

 Ah, but how do we know a wrong choice from a right choice? Right choices take us to places where we have business and wrong choices to places where we have no business. The real problem is, if we don’t know what our business is then all roads are the same road and we come to live lives that are just serendipitous journeys. A non-serendipitous journey is a movement from where we are to where we would like to be and this journey requires us to know where we are and have an idea of where the destination might be found. knowing how to traverse the space between these two places and any new perspectives on our lives that may be needed is the work we do on ourselves as our lives unfold and the journey evolves.