
  I was in the yard the other day watching a very small white spider on a leaf and he would move around a bit and then stop and lift himself as high into the air as he could with his butt raised and legs fully extended. And then he would come down and move to another location and do it again. And I am thinking ‘how weird is that’ and then he does it one last time and a breeze comes up and he lets go of the leaf and is flying through the air to the next leaf to which the breeze will carry him. And now I am thinking that this spider knows that his body needs to be as high as possible for the air to flow under and that certain places on the leaf will be optimal in terms of updraft depending on the direction of the wind and shape of the leaf. And he knows that when he finds that place, the updraft will be strong enough to overcome his clinging to the leaf and he will fly away.

    And this is how it will be for all of us. When we find the right place and the winds are favorable and we extend ourselves to the limits of our ability, then the clinging will be overcome and we will fly away to the far off land. But only if we can find the right place and only if we can ignore those around us who would have us believe that sticking our butt that high in the air is not an appropriate way to behave.