

There is no way

out of this place.

It is a web of our own making

and just the thought of escape

makes it real

and we are caught

once again.

To do anything

is to play the game

become a doer and

thereby sink into separateness.

Even the thought

of doing nothing

brings into existence

that which would do nothing.

This web that is woven

by this spider that is us

is subtle beyond words.

The more we struggle to be free

the more entangled we become.




And death awaits us

when the vibrations we create

alerts the spider to our presence.

Not physical death,

but rather the death of that within us

which would bridge the gap between

this and that and hear and there.

There is no way

out of this place.

But it is not a real place.

It is a web of our own making

and will dissolve on its own

once the truth is touched

and the making ceases.